Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Limit break

  • In Final Fantasy 6 and above(For those who doesn't know, it is a pc/console game), whenever the character controlled by the player get hurt, the limit meter will start to fill up. When the limit meter is completely filled, the character will have the ability to use 'Limit Break', an ability to do huge damage to his/her enemies. The limit break defers from character to character, but needless to say, it causes a great deal of pain to the hapless monsters that gets in the way of the character.
  • In certain arcade games, like Street Fighter and King of Fighters, there is a 'anger meter', which will automatically charge up whenever the character receives damage. When the meter gets fully charged, the character will be able to perform special abilities which does much more damage than usual.
No, 'limit meter' and 'anger meter' are not purely fictional. Everyone has their limits. Even the nicest person will snap when his/her limit is reached. And when that happens, people will do things that they normally won't do or can't do. Push someone too far, or drive someone to a corner, and you should expect them to lash out in a manner beyond your imagination.

I am a good person. Everyone who knows me will agree to that. I have a good temper, and I am a cheerful person. It is unfortunate that there are some people in this world who loves to test other's limit. And who better to become their 'test subject' than people like me? You make fun at me, fine, I'm cool with that. You insult me, I shrug it off. You pick on me again, don't push it. Try it again, and you'll live to regret it. Just ask a former classmate of mine, who has a scar to show for pushing his luck too far.

Whenever we read in the newspapers of cases with people committing suicide, running amok, and the likes, we always see the shocked response of so-and-so's family members and friends: 'So-and-so is a quiet and good mannered person. I am shocked that he would do such a thing'. As I've said, someone who is quiet and nice doesn't mean he has no limit to bullshits that he can take. Everyone has a limit. And when that limit is reached, even the lightest straw can break a camel's back.

p/s: No, I am not thinking of committing suicide or go about kicking the crap out of the next person I see. This is just something that comes to my mind out of a sudden, so, chill.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Response to Sharon Stone

Today, I finally got to see for myself Sharon Stone's interview regarding the tragedy in China. This is my response to her:

1. Sharon Stone, you talked about karma. What do you know about karma? An earthquake occured in China. That's karma. What about Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans? What about the 911 incident? What about the tsunami in Sri Lanka? What about many other disasters all over the world? History shows that disasters happen, natural or otherwise. Lives are lost. Does that mean that everyone who suffers 'deserve it'? Please, use your brain before running your mouth in the future.

2. You kept repeating how you're a good friend of Dalai Lama, and seemed pretty proud of it. Do you even know what buddhism is about? Buddhism is about compassion, showing love for others and easing the sufferings of fellow mankind. You can be good buddies with Dalai Lama, Mother Theresa, the Pope, heck, you can even be good buddy with Buddha himself, but that does not change the fact that you're an insensitive hag who doesn't care about other's feelings.

Monday, June 2, 2008

It's just who I am

Lemme get this straight. No, I am not a cold person. Nor am I an arrogant prick. I don't talk much because I am shy. That's it.

I don't show my feelings or emotions much, like hugging a long lost friend, etc. Whatever I feel, I feel it in my heart, and rarely show it. Just because I don't talk much doesn't mean I am not happy when hanging out with my friends. Just because I don't hug, cry or do any mushy-mushy gestures doesn't mean I am not sad when parting company with someone. Just because I don't look offended when some idiots insult me doesn't mean I am not offended.

Which is what blogs are for. For me to vent whatever comes to my mind at the time of writing. To whoever that is reading this right now, have fun exploring the mind of Zhi Ying the eccentric.